The average house price on RUSHMORE TERRACE is £273,269
The most expensive house in the street is 6 RUSHMORE TERRACE with an estimated value of £363,092
The cheapest house in the street is 3 RUSHMORE TERRACE with an estimated value of £221,550
The house which was most recently sold was 7 RUSHMORE TERRACE, this sold on 30 Jan 2009 for £124,000
The postcode for RUSHMORE TERRACE is CV31 1JB
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
2 RUSHMORE TERRACE Terraced , 77 m2 £313,461 £118,000 25 Oct 2002
3 RUSHMORE TERRACE Semi-Detached £221,550 £135,000 23 Feb 2007
5 RUSHMORE TERRACE Terraced £239,141 £151,500 1 Feb 2008
6 RUSHMORE TERRACE Terraced , 69 m2 £363,092 £75,000 16 Feb 1998
7 RUSHMORE TERRACE Terraced , 65 m2 £229,102 £124,000 30 Jan 2009